Beeswax Candle Honey Bottle Bear Shaped Bees Wax Candle


SKU: SQ BEAR Category:


Years ago, whoney-bear-3e used to sell our honey years ago in bears just like these. You popped off the cap, snipped off the top of the lid and squeezed that yummy honey out onto your toast (or your finger)! As the years went by we realized raw honey and this style of jar just don’t mix. The honey gets solid over time, defeating the purpose of the tiny opening on the top…

Well, we still love the shape of that jar, and even though we don’t have honey in this bear bottle anymore, we offer for your consideration this adorable Honey Bear Bottle shaped candle.

Made of pure Oregon beeswax! Nothing added, no scents, fragrances, or other weird stuff. The scent is soooo sweet and yummy – just like honey. Would make an adorable gift together with a jar of honey – don’t you think? Measures 6″ tall, 2″ wide and 1 3/4″ front to back. Fitted with a 100% cotton wick, the burn time is about 30 hours.